Ingredients :
2 cups wheat
3 tbsp sugar
1 coconut, grated (medium sliced)
25 gm cashew nuts
Green food grade color (optional)
Vanilla essence-as required
Pinch of salt
Preparation :
Grind together the wheat and the grated coconut by adding enough water. Strain and take out the juice.
Grind again and extract more juice. You shoud get around 4 cups of juice. Put the juice in a pan, add sugar, vanilla, salt, green color and the cashew nuts and bring to boil. It will thicken as it boils.
Cook for 2 minutes, then pour into a big bowl or in individual pudding bowls and keep in the fridge.
Serve cold. This preparation, when taken regularly, rejuvenates you and hence is very good for convalescents.
Posted By: Pamela Pais, Aldona, Goa.